Channel-Specific Daily Patterns in Mobile Phone Communication


Humans follow circadian rhythms, visible in their activity levels as well as physiological and psychological factors. Such rhythms are also visible in electronic communication records, where the aggregated activity levels of e.g. mobile telephone calls or Wikipedia edits are known to follow their own daily patterns. Here, we study the daily communication patterns of 24 individuals over 18 months, and show each individual has a different, persistent communication pattern. These patterns may differ for calls and text messages, which points towards calls and texts serving a different role in communication. For both calls and texts, evenings play a special role. There are also differences in the daily patterns of males and females both for calls and texts, both in how they communicate with individuals of the same gender versus opposite gender, and also in how communication is allocated at social ties of different nature (kin ties vs. non-kin ties). Taken together, our results show that there is an unexpected richness to the daily communication patterns, from different types of ties being activated at different times of day to different roles of channels and gender differences.


Channel-Specific Daily Patterns in Mobile Phone Communication
Aledavood, Talayeh and López, Eduardo and Roberts, Sam G. B. and Reed-Tsochas, Felix and Moro, Esteban and Dunbar, Robin I. M. and Saramäki, Jari
Proceedings of ECCS 2014 (2016) [Full Text]